Board List
Who We Are:

The purpose of our Resource Conservation & Development (RCD) Program is to accelerate the conservation of our natural resources, enhance our environment, save our water and lands, assist rural elderly and youth, to provide local community development and to enhance the standard of living in our area. Alamo RCD Area a locally run, donor funded, independent nonprofit with a magnificent local impact that also functions as a member of a nation wide set of Resource Conservation & Development organizations that are here to protect our natural resources over all 50 states.

Alamo RC&D History:
Established in 1993, Alamo RC&D is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that addresses natural resource conservation and community development in ten counties in Central Texas including Atascosa, Bandera, Bexar, Comal, Frio, Guadalupe, Kendall, Kerr, Medina and Wilson counties.

Our MISSION is to help communities and the people who make them thrive, meet local needs by protecting our water and land resources encouraging environmental sustainability, promoting agriculture and enhancing the quality of life for our Youth and Seniors along with all citizens in our 10 county area in Central Texas.

Alamo RC&D encourages and improves the capabilities of volunteers, local leadership, local farmers and ranchers, and civic minded citizens in our designated area so that they can become stewards of our natural resources by practicing good natural resource conservation and advocacy as they also improve local community services for seniors and youth and enhance economic development in their local communities.

Our VISION is a future where conservation of our natural resources is the norm, sustainability is in daily practice, rural senior citizens are healthy and happy and rural youth reach their highest potential as concerned citizens of tomorrow.

In January of 1993, Alamo was incorporated in the State of Texas as a charitable corporation. In June of 1993, IRS issued a letter of determination recognizing Alamo RC&D Area, Inc. as a 501 (c) (3) organization.

The affairs of the Alamo RC&D are managed by a diligent board of directors. Members include representation from multiple counties we serve and one is a Alamo Area Council of Governments (AACOG) representative.  Alamo RCD supports an open membership for individuals and organizations.

Through our assistance, you and other local concerned citizens in your local community make your home town a great place to live, work, play and prosper.  

Alamo RC&D helps you where it counts...
in your home community.
Alamo RC&D Area Inc.
Mailing Address:
215 W. Bandera Rd. Suite 114 - 456
Boerne, Texas 78006
[email protected]
Serving Central Texas as an IRS Designated 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All donations are tax deductable as per current tax law.
Protecting our Environment and Enhancing our Communities
Web Master MASCAT Consultants 
Alamo RC&D protects our natural resources as we teach the importance of every drop of water, every breath of air, each parcel of land and the welfare of each individual, because ALL are so
important in our lives.
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Board List
Alamo Resource Conservation & Development Area Inc.
Agri-Land WS
Growing Rural
Youth 4 Earth
Helping Seniors
Farm to Fork
Community Dev.
Donate NOW
Legacy Giving

Alamo RC&D: our mission is accomplished through the following activities:
ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION/ Agriculture Ed & Outreach Program
Environmental/Agricultural Education Program: provides educational AGRI - LAND RESOURCE WORKSHOPS, seminars and online outreach to local citizens in areas such as land management, watershed management and protection, wild life management, sustainable agriculture, environmental protection and stewardship and water and natural resource conservation.
Through our  Watershed Protection program we concentrate on water shed issues and on water conservation and stewardship through online education (Water~Protect Each Drop) and workshops.

Alamo RC&D provides educational workshops for farmers and ranchers and the general public in Environmental Protection and Stewardship, Rainwater Harvesting (with John Kight as presenter), Water and Natural Resource Conservation, Brush Management, Increasing Aquifer Recharge, Conservation of Reparian Areas, Proper range management, wildlife management and much more!
FARM TO FORK Initiative
Growing Rural Youth Garden Program: works with children (ages 3-11) within service learning projects centered on Gardening with a Purpose. Growing Rural links young people to service learning activities, centered on our mission that build leadership, provide academic improvement (Growing SMART) and life skills as youth work toward improving their rural communities by creating community gardens and other gardening projects as they also give back to their community in need.
Youth 4Earth engages young people (ages 12 - 20), as active citizens, in student led projects that improve the environment, provide academic enrichment and assist their communities. The vision of this program is to provide a future where every individual becomes a lifelong environmental steward who will play a positive role in building and maintaining environmentally resilient communities.
Alamo RC&D assists all citizens of all ages and especially helps those who are aged or disabled through our Senior Assistance Program where they can be connected to local assistance, get involved in nutrition/health programs and in activities that combat social isolation. We currently serve Senior Citizens in the Pipe Creek/Lakehills area in Bandera County at The Way Church.
Farm to Fork Initiative provides avenues to connect farmers and ranchers as producers to those who consume and are in need of our food and fiber through Food Policy Councils, community coalitions, rural cooperatives, farmers markets and more.
Alamo RC&D helps with community and economic development through proposal writing workshops, grant research, board development workshops that serve to enhance local nonprofit services. Our Board provides one on one technical advice that assists many nonprofit agencies in our area through the funding of essential missions and through the provision of jobs and services that assist the community as a whole.
Alamo RCD strives to assist those who are affected by a local community disaster such as tornadoes, hurricanes and flooding. Our efforts depend highly on the availability of funding and must be to support communities within our service area.